Slides, Papers and Press

Some References and Articles in the Press

The Crowd Empowered SME
Article for the European Innovation Network Magazine - co authored with Dan Marom - available as PDF

Scottish firms missing out on crowdfunding
Quoted in Herald

NewGalexy takes Crowdfunding to New Level
Quoted in article in BQ

Report finds Scottish firms slow to adopt crowdfunding
Article on twintangibles report

Crowdfunding – can you afford to ignore it?
Comment piece in Business7 on crowdfunding

Radical, Innovative Solutions Will See Britain Prosper Again
PR on presentation at ULSM event with Charles Mbiri, Clair Young, John Peters, and Manjula Sood

Responsible attitudes

Quoted in Guardian on CSR

Prize winner tells it like it is
Quoted in Guardian on CSR

Some Downloadable Papers

Crowdfunding the Scottish Perspective
The most comprehensive report on Crowdfunding in Scotland, commissioned by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and Scottish Enterprise

"Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose" - The grand illusion of corporate social responsibility

An essay that won the Ashridge/Guardian International MBA Essay of the year competition
DIY Crowdfunding - The Report
Report on the emerging field of DIY Crowdfunding where projects are run off platform

 Breeding the racing camel - or handy hints on knowledge management projects 
Article in Business Information Review on a KM project

Some Presentations and  Slide Packs

DIY Crowdfunding
Slides used at release of report at Crowdfuture, Rome 2013

Social Media at Work
Slides from the Think Digital event 2012 exploring the breadth of opportunity social technologies present to organisations -

KM Presentation - ULSM MBA Class 05/10
Slides used for MBA masterclass session

Barcamp Glasgow June 2010 - Preliminary Findings of SM Survey